This is not my best photography work ever but this picture has more value then the previous post or the ones to come. This is my much older sister Teresa and old big brother Doug. I’m pretty crazy about them…ok I’m crazier about my niece and nephews but that’s no secret.
To the ever younger sis, what a great pic of you and your much older siblings!
alHey Cracker,
That's not your best work because I took that picture.I love that picture too, not because I took it, but because of the beautiful women in the picture with me.
Hey brother
You may have held the camera and pushed the button but that’s only because you have longer arms! The way I see it….my idea, my camera so that makes me the photographer! Ok I don’t mind telling everyone that my cracker brother taught everything I know about photography. Love ya brother
Our sister is beautiful
If you both are going to argue over who took the picture! Then I did, I am the oldest so I say so. Love you both.
Ps. our sister is beautiful, our brother not so bad looking himself
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